Unicorn Festival: Part I
In midsummer the small Italian town Vinci and hometown of Leonardo da Vinci becomes the Mecca of cosplay, renaissance and fantasy fans. Impressions of the 8th edition of the Unicorn Festival Part I.
Photo credit: Viki Secrets
Hi, the Festival of the Unicorn, or Festa dell'Unicorno as it is lovely called in Italian, is a two day long fantasy and cosplay event, which took place already for the 8th time in the small town of Vinci.
The fantasy and renaissance fair is not only limited to medieval costumes but actually attracts a wide variety of cosplayers and fantasy fans to the historic center of Vinci, which is the perfect backdrop for such an event and contributes to the authentic atmosphere.
If you also plan to visit the Unicorn Festival this summer, I recommend staying in a hotel nearby, and coming in outfit is of course more fun, but not mandatory. The entrance fee is also moderate (10 EUR for both days).
May I introduce to you, the Unicorns, Warriors, Knights, Pirates and Wizards of Vinci:
Unicorn dress :P
Jocker make-up :P
Goth model on Torture chair ;P
Jogglers ;P
Elf with a bow
Steampunk was also a popular theme at the Unicorn Festival
Zorro, Xena and a Knight
Claudio in a scary fantasy outfit ^^
Xena with Vampire Gianluca Lord Ashram Betti
Gimli of Lord Of The Rings
Natasha Ziviani as Red Sonja
Dave delle Nuvole as Conan
Steampunk gang
There was also a Game of Thrones area with the original throne :P
Xena on the Game of Thrones' Throne :P
Characters from Monkey Island :P Guybrush Treepwood, Elaine and evil LeChuck in the background.
Our fellow Thor
Xena and me in front of the Unicorn ♥
Our first day of our Unicorn coverage ends here. What is your favorite fantasy outfit so far?
Continue to Part II.
Viki Secrets Italy Tour
Vinci, The Hometown Of Leonardo da Vinci
The Leonardo Museum
Le Colonie: Farm Holidays in Vinci
Viareggio Resort: A Day At The Beach
Florence At Night
Unicorn Festival: Part I
Unicorn Festival: Part II
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OllivAndre on 2013-03-19 17:35
Nice Pics! I was the Guybrush!!! :D
Viki Secrets on 2013-03-20 14:53
@OllivAndre: Thx, I can now brag that I have met Guybrush Treepwood in real life :D
DieterB on 2013-03-20 23:03
A nice report with good fotos, hope to be there again this year