Page 48

Miss Viki In Maxima Magazine

2011-01-04 17:33 | Comments: 3

Austrian Fashion Bloggers In Maxima
January/February 2011 Issue, page 85

Austrian Fashion Blogs In Maxima

Links á la Mode: Inspiration Now!

2011-01-02 15:00 | Comments: 0

It’s my hope that these posts will inspire you, as they’ve inspired me. As a reminder to step outside your boundaries to try something new. As a reminder to look at the world around you. To be bright and brilliant and love fashion & style. To treat yourself well, to love yourself, and feed your mind & body all you need to thrive and hopefully inspire and help you to be the person you want to be in 2011. — Ashe Mischief

Links a la Mode: Week 52 2010

New Year's Resolutions

2010-12-30 11:28 | Comments: 2

My lucky pigs wish you a happy, healthy,
and successful new year 2011! —
Photo by Viki

Happy New Year 2011 Massaging Pigs

Merry Christmas!

2010-12-23 17:06 | Comments: 0

Christmas street decoration at Hoher Markt, Vienna

Photo credit: Viki Secrets

Hoher Markt Wien at Christmas

Tiberius – Imperial Fetish Fashion

2010-12-21 13:16 | Comments: 4

Late Night Shopping @ Tiberius
Fetish Design from the Imperial Vienna

Photo credit: Viki Secrets

Tiberius Fetish Fashion Shop

My New Haircut

2010-12-15 17:22 | Comments: 2

No more bad hair days, new look styled at BIPA Styling Lounge.

Photo credit: Viki Secrets

New haircut with steps

Palmers – Lingerie Headquarters

2010-12-13 18:44 | Comments: 3

A fascinating visit to the Lingerie Headquarters of Palmers, a leading lingerie brand in Europe. High quality lingerie, swimwear and loungewear by Palmers.

Photo credit: Viki Secrets
Models Marcella and Sandra Szabo

Palmers Loungewear Summer 2011


2010-12-11 10:31 | Comments: 0

via femulate, Thanks Stana :)

Femulate Evolution

Austria Fashion Awards AFA 2010

2010-12-08 16:32 | Comments: 0

The "Bureau of Fashion" aka Unit F completed their investigation and awarded Austria's upcoming fashion designers 2010.

Video credit: Viki Secrets Open Source Clothing

2010-12-02 17:16 | Comments: 3

"You create fashion, if the community likes it, we produce it."
An interview with Anna Rihl, Creative Director at

Photo credit: Viki Secrets

useabrand fashion store Zollergasse 15 Wien