Vampires Ball by Dark Society Vienna
The dark event for vampires, werewolves and other creatures of the night featured three vampire-esque live acts: a live action role play, a bellydance and a vampires bondage show.
Photo credit: Viki Secrets
Hi, last Saturday, I was with Xena at the Vampires Ball @ Viper Room, a party for vampires, werewolves, their slaves and their slayers, and we arrived just in time for the three live acts.
One thing that is a bit awkward at Viper Room is the location of the cloakroom, which is on the other end of the venue behind the dance floor and the main stage.
You have to fight bite your way through the masses, especially when there is a gig in progress, but once you get rid of your coat, you can enjoy the party :P
Besides the live acts there was also a vampire photo exhibition by Artiste Ancalimê. Stay tuned for an interview with her, now on
Live action role play by Vampire The Masquerade TM
Tribal Fusion Bellydance by CarNika
Vampires Bondage show by Le Fanu Revisited
Vampire-esque Xena and me
Photo credit: Xena Live
How did you like the Vampires Ball and the three live acts? And did you stay till sunrise like a true vampire?
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Viki's Xena on 2013-01-25 14:01
♥ ♥ ♥
//O, dragul meu!// (Oh, my dear!)
Ma mistuie focul iubirii (The fire of love burns me)
O, dragul meu (Oh, my dear!)
Ceea ce am fost (What I have been)
Esti tu acum (You are now)
O mie de ani au trecut (A thousand years have passed)
Ceea ce sunt (What I am)
Vei fi tu (You shall be)
O mie de ani au trecut (A thousand years have passed)
//Quod fuimus estes
Quod sumus fos erites
Mille anni passi sunt//
Mille anni passi sunt( A thousand years have passed)
Viata va fi schimbata (The life will be changed)
Si nu luata (And not taken away)
Mille anni passi sunt (A thousand years have passed)
Simt si acum (I still feel)
Buzele tale pe gatul meu (Your lips on my neck)
Mille anni passi sunt (A thousand years have passed)
Tu m-ai facut nemuritoare (You made me immortal)
Te vreau toata (I want you thoroughly)
Mille anni passi sunt (A thousand years have passed)
//Quod fuimus estes
Quod sumus fos erites
Mille anni passi sunt//
O, dragul meu! (Oh, my dear!)
♥ ♥ ♥
Viki Secrets on 2013-01-25 14:37
Oh, my dear ♥ ♥ ♥