The Dressing Rooms Of Hetzendorf Palace

The Dressing Rooms Of Hetzendorf Palace

2012-06-06 14:13 | Comments: 4

The models and students of Hetzendorf are preparing for their final show, taking place at the end of each school year.

Video credit: Viki Secrets

Inside the dressing rooms of Hetzendorf Palace

Backstage Video: The Dressing Rooms Of Hetzendorf Palace

Hi, do you wonder what models do before a fashion show? I had the opportunity to visit the models and students of Hetzendorf Palace, preparing for their final show, taking place at the end of each school year :)

Typical activities besides (un)dressing include preparing and rechecking one's hair and makeup, studying the choreography and order of the models/outfits, practising the walk, chatting, phoning, texting, reading a book or magazine, eating a healthy snack like an apple, drinking lots of water, and waiting, waiting, waiting for the show to start.

The footage in the video is from the 2010 show by the way, when the show took place in the park outside Hetzendorf Palace, the baroque residence of the Vienna Fashion School.

What is your favorite activity before a show?

Inside the dressing rooms of Hetzendorf Palace Inside the dressing rooms of Hetzendorf Palace Inside the dressing rooms of Hetzendorf Palace

Follow-up video
The Fashion Show Of Hetzendorf Palace

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Comments ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Again big pleasure to read your report, dear Viki :) Great video and wonderful music ♥



I also love the music, it's Frédéric Chopin Nocturne Op. 7 No. 1 :)

Love it, I was there as well:)

xx Kate

wow so amazing! wish i was there!!

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