Showroom MQ Vienna Fashion Week #Speedrun
Speedrun through the showroom and exhibition area of the Vienna Fashion Week 2013 in just one minute.
Video credit: Viki Secrets
The showroom of the Vienna Fashion Week 2013
Hi, take the speedrun through the showroom and exhibition area of the #mqvfw13 in just one minute.
The showroom of the Vienna Fashion Week was a great opportunity to get in touch with the designers, to experience, try & buy their collections and to use the time between the shows.
The Vienna Fashion Week Showroom was situated in the MQ Oval Hall and "freiraum quartier 21".
Showroom booth of Irina Schrotter and Mihaela Glavan
Exhibition "ohne" ("without") by Mato Johannik
The photographs by Mato Johanik describe an outcry against the redundant over saturation of contemporary fashion photography and allow a glimpse into the untamed reality of their protagonists, only wearing the archaic fashion accessory of a raw kashmir veil from the Hindukusch.
The Shit Shop T-Shirt by Bonnie Strange
What was your favorite booth at the Vienna Fashion Week? Have you bought something or were you just browsing?
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Viki's Xena on 2013-10-01 21:30
My favorite was the the rainbow spitting unicorn shirt of the 'Jason Stackhouse' DJ ;P
...and the Callisti Lara Croft - belt!
Viki Secrets on 2013-10-02 13:29
I made a screenshot of the rainbow spitting unicorn t-shirt :P