mystery and contingence
The art of infinite possibilities explored by Edith A'Gay (fashion), Sawyer King Scott (projected photography) and Mia Legenstein (sound).
Photo credit: Viki Secrets
Hi, our life is hugely determined by the infinite number of possibilities and the decisions we take, largely influenced by the environment.
And this was also the theme of the fashion installation/performance "contigence" at the f6 open factory in Vienna.
The performance was an interesting combination of Edith A'Gay's elegant and floating spring/sommer fashion, with pictures by Sawyer King Scott projected on linens hanging from the ceiling, and electronic sound by Mia Legenstein.
The rainy evening also contributed to the mysterious atmosphere and the one and a half hour wait for the show was really worth it. In the meantime I was chatting with Sara and Die Melange.
Sara, waiting for the show (bag by Jimmy Choo)
contingence 11 performance
Mia Legenstein mixing sound
Edith A'Gay and Sawyer King Scott
Light and Shadows
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Mia legenstein on 2011-06-30 11:59
lovely pics of the "contingence" night