Fantasy Artifacts
From fashion accessories to medieval armory and torture devices. Sixteen fantasy items that caught my eye at the Unicorn Festival.
Photo credit: Viki Secrets
Hi, the Unicorn Festival was full of lovely booths selling all sorts of authentic and handmade items. Check out my top sixteen artifacts that caught my eye.
1. Xenalicious Body Armor
2. Viagrus Liquor
3. Nail Head Mask
4. Steampunk Hats
5. Masquerade Masks
6. Game of Thrones Fan Article
7. Dragon Painting
8. Unicorn Statue
9. Fantasy Keys
10. Three Ball Flail
11. Wooden Canes
12. Wooden Pillory
13. Medieval Torture Chair
14. Elf Painting on Wood
15. Bat Painting
16. Cupid Arrow's Fairy Statue
What is your favorite fantasy artifact from the above collection? What would you buy for yourself or your partner?
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Viki's Xena on 2013-04-10 05:08
What is my favorite fantasy artifact from the above collection? What would I buy for myself or my partner?
Hm let me guess...
Hihi they could all be used for my Xena show :P
1 my stage outfit
2 the magical elixir
3 villain mask
4, 5 - crew outfits
6, 7, 8, 14,15 and 16 stage decor
10, 11 weapons
12, 13 main props
9 key to Xena's heart
as well watching your pics some very weird fantasies may turn up lol
1 contessa's outfit
2 the magic potion which the naughty one tried to steal
3 the mask he must wear when he gets captured and tied up
4, 5 - spectators outfits
6, 7, 8, 14,15 and 16 dungeon decor
10, 11 contessa's punishment tools
12, 13 the props where the naughty guy gets fixed to
9 the keys from several chains, handcuffs, chastity belts etc.
Love U ;D
Viki Secrets on 2013-04-10 15:48
Oh, such lovely and imaginative captions for each picture ♥ especially, the second version ;P