Destination Star Trek: Log Entry #2
Stardate 201402.22. We are at the Destination Star Trek convention in Frankfurt, Germany and are heading to the TNG reunion talk, where we will have a special encounter with the original TNG crew.
Photo credit: Viki Secrets
Star Trek The Next Generation reunion hosted by William Shatner with Brent Spiner (Data), LeVar Burton (Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Worf), Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troi) and Gates McFadden (Beverly Crusher).
Hi, as a TNG fan my highlight of the Destination Star Trek convention was the special TNG reunion talk hosted by William Shatner with almost the entire TNG crew except Patrick Stewart (Picard) and Jonathan Frakes (Riker), unfortunately.
The panel was organized as a Q&A session, which is the usual format at a convention. So the work of entertaining the audience was in fact split between the fans and the actors and it is hard to say who was more amusing ;)
Fans never give up
One of the funniest and inevitable questions directed to Brent Spiner (pronounced [Spainer] and not [Spinner] btw) was if he would come to a fan's private birthday party. Fans never give up ;)
I have learned that Brent is not only a great mime but he can also imitate Patrick Stewart's voice :P which was hilarious.
Other questions ranged from what other roles in the Star Trek franchise each actor would like to play, what they miss most from the time when they were recording the show, or who they will take with them if they were stranded on a deserted island.
Star Trek Technology
It was also mentioned that TNG was able to foresee technology that became a reality today like the tablet computer or iPad. Wouldn't a real Holodeck also be cool? I guess other technology such as voice recognition will also reach the level of Star Trek sooner or later while other things will remain fiction such as beaming or the warp drive ...
I think we could have discussed so many more things but unfortunately the session was closed after an hour and it was time to party.
Logbook/Lookbook Destination Star Trek Germany 2014 Part #2 #DSTG
Xena as Nona (from the original series)
Photo credit: Xena
Me as Lt. Commander Viki :P
Me on the Klingon Throne :P
Photo credit: Destination Star Trek
Me with Brent Spiner aka Data :P
Photo credit: Viki Secrets
William Shatner opening the TNG reunion session.
How did you like the TNG reunion talk? What would you ask the TNG crew if you had the chance to catch the microphone? Who is your favorite Star Trek actor?
Related stories (coming soon)
Destination Star Trek: Log Entry #1
Destination Star Trek: Merchandise!
Cleaning The Bridge In The 24th Century
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Xena on 2014-03-11 00:38
I wanted to ask the TNG girls Deanna Troi and Dr. Crusher in the case if Captain Kirk happened to be on their Enterprise and tried to seduce them - would he succeed?
My favorite actor is from TOS Leonard Nimoy, from the new movies Karl Urban, Brent Spiner from TNG and foremost VIKI from the NEXT XENARATION ♥ ;)
Viki Secrets on 2014-03-11 01:51
@Xena: lol, The Next Xenaration :P
Stuart on 2014-10-06 01:13
Please help. Met the beautiful Andorian lady in this blog just yesterday in London at DST 3. lost my phone on the train home today and all her contact info with it. Can anyone help??????????
Viki Secrets on 2014-10-06 13:32
@Stuart: oh, unfortunately, I do not have her name, but I would try asking on the DST facebook page and on the DST3 event page. I am sure you will find her, best of luck.