Photoshop Warning On A Public Billboard

Photoshop Warning On A Public Billboard

2013-03-05 23:32 | Comments: 5

An advertisement with a handwritten Photoshop warning on it. Should there be a mandatory warning on every advertisement that has been photoshopped or is it a dumb idea?

Photo credit: Viki Secrets | feh

Feh Billboard: Peacocking Model with Photoshop warning. Model Anna Kuen.

Hi, "Oh! It's so graceful!" is the title of this public feh billboard for a tissue brand in Austria.

As an attentive passer-by noted on the backlit billboard, the peacocking model owes its grace, not only to natural beauty and make-up, but also to Photoshop ;)

Oh! It's so graceful!

Feh Billboard: Peacocking Model with Photoshop warning. Model Anna Kuen.

If it were an advertisement for a beauty product (remember it's a tissue ad after all), I could imagine a warning such as this:

Idealized illustration. The actual result of the product may be less perfect.

or how about?

It's so graceful because we photoshopped it.

Do you think there should be a mandatory Photoshop warning on every advertisement or is it a dumb idea?

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Comments ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

also ich wär bei vielen plakaten/editorials sehr dafür, da ganz, ganz viele leute nicht zw. photoshop-produkt und realität differenzieren können und dadurch diesem falschen ideal hinterherjagen. besonders auf junge menschen hat das schon eine große wirkung, die nicht unterschätzt werden darf. aber das ist nur meine meinung ;) liebste grüße, xo j.

@Julia: ja, stimmt, ich denke gerade bei Werbung sollte man besonders sensibel sein, da hier mit geschönten Bildern bewusst manipuliert wird. Ob Warnungen allerdings wirklich etwas helfen würden oder einfach überlesen werden? Ich denke, dass generell Aufklärung und kritisches Denken sehr wichtig sind und jungen Menschen bereits früh zeigen, was man mit Photoshop & Co. alles machen kann.

Patricia Blaj on 2013-03-14 08:54

Well, it is an incredibly beautiful woman on the billboard after all, and we take her as a role model, don't we? I think there should be a photoshop warning so women will realize models aren't perfect either and won't be so harsh on themselves for not being able to achieve that fake perfection :)

@Patricia Blaj: Yes, Anna Kuen is a very beautiful model, but at the end of the day the use of Photoshop is also apparent. Since all ads are photoshopped nowadays, I think we have to draw a line somewhere, which modifications are ok and which are über-perfect and a misleading representation of the product.

Also ich finds irgendwie blöd. Fände es besser, wenn sie das Bild nicht bearbeiten und das dann kennzeichnen mit "No Photoshop" lg Vicky

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