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Ruby Rose RWBY #Cosplay

2019-10-20 18:25 | Comments: 0

We've all lost something, and I've seen what loss can do to people. But if we gave up every time we lost, then we'd never be able to move forward. — Ruby Rose

Photo credit: Viki Secrets

Ruby Rose RWBY Cosplay @ Vienna Game City 2018

Rammstein European Stadium Tour Vienna

2019-08-26 19:31 | Comments: 0

Preparty before the Rammstein concert in Vienna. Full house (stadium) and awesome atmosphere. Rammstein as the god of hellfire who brought us fire. Open Fire!

Photo credit: Viki Secrets

Rammstein European Stadium Tour Wien Vienna 2019

Celebrating 10 years VIKISECRETS.COM

2019-07-23 19:17 | Comments: 0

Read the background story about the 10th anniversary of on Steemit, the first true crypto-based social media, which has become my new blogging home for the past two years.

Photo credit: Viki Secrets

Viki Secrets on Steemit

Subversive Sleep

2019-06-22 22:57 | Comments: 0

Artsy billboard in Vienna with the funny title "How long is this state gonna last?". A cooperation of Bundeskanzleramt, KulturKontakt Austria and FLUC Vienna.

Photo credit: Viki Secrets

Artwork "Subversive Sleep" by Alaa Abu Asad @ FLUC Vienna

Hello Parade!

2019-06-17 22:34 | Comments: 0

Ponies at the Rainbow/Love/Euro Pride Parade in Vienna and my all in black/goth/fetish/summer outfit.

Photo credit: Viki Secrets

Ponies at the Rainbow Parade, Regenbogenparade, Euro Pride Wien 2019

Rainbow Crosswalk: Vienna just got more colorful

2019-06-07 20:27 | Comments: 0

Vienna just got a little bit more colorful with its first permanent rainbow crosswalk in front of the City Hall, celebrating the last Life Ball and the Rainbow Parade.

Photo credit: Viki Secrets

Regenbogen-Zebrastreifen | Rainbow Crosswalk in Vienna before the Life Ball

Star Wars Lego Expo At Westbahnhof

2019-05-30 20:06 | Comments: 0

May the force be with you, brick by brick :P Small Star Wars Lego expo at a train station and shopping mall in Vienna.

Photo credit: Viki Secrets

Star Wars Lego Expo @ Westbahnhof Wien

Whip Performance // Take Festival // How much can you take?

2019-05-17 20:39 | Comments: 0

"We've got something to talk about" durational endurance performance by Milena Georgieva. The Artist vs. The Wall, or painting with a whip. How much Take Festival can you take?

Photo credit: Viki Secrets

Whip Performance @ Take Festival

Take One Inspiration from the Take Festival

2019-05-16 20:38 | Comments: 0

Asylum for mad artists? A former hospital (Sophienspital) is transformed into the Take Festival, with each patient room turned into a maniac art installation. Pretty cool and even a bit creepy :P

Photo credit: Viki Secrets

Skin as a coat @ Take Festival 2019

From Vienna With Love

2019-04-18 19:21 | Comments: 0

I found this unusual souvenir in Vienna: A kinky wooden spoon with a cut-out heart and the writing "The Taste Of Austria" :P

Photo credit: Viki Secrets

Kinky Wooden Spoon with Heart: The Taste Of Austria