Challenge Accomplished: Austria's Next Topmodel
Photo credit: Viki Secrets
Miss Viki in Austria's Next Topmodel Cycle 2 Top 300
Hi, I did what nobody believed me one year ago. I got into fashion, questioned our gender roles publicly, earned a lot of disrespect (and worship), worked hard to keep in shape (do not worry, I am naturally skinny) and learned how to walk, run and jump in high heels on gravel. I know, I am everything else than perfect, but what matters to me is, that I tried it :-)
I officially applied for participating in Austria's Next Topmodel, went to the casting (thanks to Rene), trained with Rolf :-) and (thanks to Sebastian) was invited to go to the recording of the first show :-)
The day recording the show was very exhausting (no sleep, day started at 2 a.m., recording at 6 a.m. till late afternoon for me in Schloss Hof in Lower Austria, it was cold and rainy and all models were barely dressed) but also very exciting.
Unfortunately, like most of the 300 girls, I had no chance to really present my strengths, but was allowed to run the first challenge *Thanks, Elvyra*. I wish all the other participants good luck!
You can see me today on Puls 4 at 20:15 or watch my video clip online.
Having said that, you can now continue to bash me, the models, the jury or both, it is ok, because Austria's Next Topmodel is first and foremost entertainment.
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michi on 2009-11-25 09:54
gratuliere herzlichst! :-)
Viki Secrets on 2009-11-25 17:53
Danke, Michi!
David Schmitt on 2009-11-26 14:10
Thumbs Up!
Und ned vergessen: immer lächeln ;-)
Viki Secrets on 2009-11-26 16:45
Danke, David! Heroine-Chicks lächeln doch nicht ;-)
Heinzi on 2009-11-29 15:48
Auch von mir herzliche Gratulation! :-)
Viki Secrets on 2009-11-30 19:47
Danke, Heinzi :-)
klara on 2010-05-06 17:50
du bist umwerfend! voll der bewunderung
küsschen klara
<Anonymous> on 2010-05-10 14:43
oh mein gott...ich könnt erbrechen wenn ich das sehe
bist du schwul oder lesbisch?
Miss Viki on 2010-05-10 15:37
dich kann man aber leicht aus der Fassung bringen ;-) Ich bin übrigens ein Hetero-Mann.