What men and women should and shouldn't #bing
Autocomplete feature of Google and Bing reveals common stereotypes about men and women. Inspired by the UN Women ad campaign, I tried out similar searches for men with some surprising results.
Photo credit: Bing | Steve Gschmeissner | Getty Images
Men should wear pink #bing #autocomplete #experiment
Hi, UN Women has created a powerful ad campaign showing what women should and shouldn't according to popular searches on Google. The campaign leverages Google's suggest feature and shows search boxes over women portraits. The search boxes contain phrases such as "Woman cannot" or "Women shouldn't" and below the search boxes you can see a number of suggested completions, which are based on the popularity of actual search queries. The results are both surprising and shocking.
Inspired by this campaign, I have tried similar queries for men on Bing and created the screenshots below. Let's see what men should and shouldn't ...
Men should ...
Photo credit: Bing | Tandem Stock
Men should die for women #bing #autocomplete #experiment
Photo credit: Bing | Tandem Stock
Men should wear pink, wear pink persuasive essay, die for women, always pray, not get married, always pray and faint not, listen to their wives, not wear skinny jeans. #bing #autcomplete #experiment
Men shouldn't ...
Photo credit: Bing | Ivan Pendjakov | age fotostock
Men shouldn't wear jean shorts, eat soy, get married, hit women, have long hair, be gynecologist, wear skinny jeans, wear flip flops. #bing #autocomplete #experiment
Men need ...
Photo credit: Bing | Dale Wilson | Getty Images
Men need to feel needed, women jokes, estrogen, admiration, women quotes, space, to feel desired, wipes to. #bing #autocomplete #experiment
Men are ...
Photo credit: Bing | George Steinmetz | Corbis
Men are from mars women are from venus quotes. men are from mars women are from venus pdf. men are like waffles women are like spaghetti. men are from mars women are from venus play. men are from mars. men are from mars message board. men are pigs. men are from mars dating stages. #bing #autocomplete #experiment
Men and women should ...
Photo credit: Bing | Yume Cyan
Men and women should be equal, have equal rights, get equal pay, be paid equally, be treated equally, not be friends, shouln't date, should care for children. #bing #autocomplete #experiment
Funny, isn't it? What is your favorite and what is your most shocking autocomplete suggestion? Let's try it yourself on Google or Bing!
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