#TEDxAmRing Change Worth Fighting For
TEDx conference in Vienna, just before Life Ball, with inspiring speakers such as Song Contest winner Conchita Wurst, fashion icon Vivienna Westwood, condom innovator Danny Resnic, and more.
Photo credit: Viki Secrets
TEDxAmRing conference "Change Worth Fighting For" in lovely Vienna Hofburg.
Hi, do you love change? I think most people usually hate change, but the change that was discussed at the TEDxAmRing conference was another sort of change.
Change that is worth fighting for. Positive change. Change that makes our world a better place. And since the conference was kind of a pre-event of the Life Ball the general theme of the conference was about change related to HIV/AIDS, preventing discrimination and stigma, improving health care, and solving global issues.
TEDxAmRing was a very inspiring conference with great speakers, and we also learned something new about condoms by Danny Resnic, the founder of Origami Condoms, who is making condoms safer, easier to put on, and a more pleasureable experience. Impressive :P
Regan Hofmann talked about discrimination and stigma when diagnosed HIV positive, Bill Roedy about the role of media and MTV in educating young people, Saijai Liangpunsakul and Mark Dybul about improving health care. Adrian Chessner presented his strong photo project "I have something to tell you" documenting how people reacted when he told them that he has AIDS.
In between the talks the T-Mobile TUN-Award (Doing-Award for sustainability and green projects) was awarded to Green Vision, a company that creates a tablet reader for blind people and there was also a relaxing and most welcomed piano performance by Albert Frantz.
Conchita Wurst's dream was love is followed by respect and not hate. And finally Vivienne Westwood gave the closing speech and surprised us with a talk about our global monetary system that is based on excessive debt, interest and exploitation. Who are our rulers and what can we do? was her provocative title. Brilliant.
TEDxAmRing location: Vienna Hofburg
Thoughtful speech by Conchita Wurst about "The Unstoppable Future of Love, Respect and Tolerance". Accepting who you are is the first key to happiness :)
Photographer Adrain Chesser presented his strong photo project "I have something to tell you".
TUN-Award winners Tsvetanova and Slavi Slavev for their innovative tablet project "Green Vision", creating a Braille tablet for the blind and visually impaired.
Vivienne Westwood: Who are our rulers and what can we do? Powerful and charming talk about our monetary system and climate change. All money is created as debt out of air and somebody has to pay the interest rates for it. Inform people and do something!
Vivienne Westwood is wearing her slide as a t-shirt ;)
Vivienne Westwood: Climate Revolution was the second topic of her charming talk.
Adrain Chesser and condom innovator Danny Resnic. Did you know that traditional rolled condoms are already a century old and have unacceptable high failure rates? Origami Condoms provide a fresh new take on condoms.
TEDxVienna team with Niki Ernst and Reka Artner.
All talks will soon be available on the TEDxAmRing website.
What was your most inpsiring talk at the TEDx event? Since there was no Q&A session, what would you have asked the speakers? What is your biggest dream worth fighting for?
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