10 Festival: Press Kit Unboxing
Video credit: Viki Secrets
Hi, I have created my first unboxing video, a very popular category of YouTube videos by now, where the joy lies in unwraping a brand-new product, focusing on the packaging and overall design.
I have taken the idea to showcase the 10 Festival's press kit, which I got at today's press conference. Enjoy!
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ela on 2010-06-08 19:22
ein berg design-altpapier :) nett
Viki Secrets on 2010-06-09 23:47
LOL, im Moment hat das Papier noch einen Nutzen, es ist das Vorlesungsverzeichnis für Wiener Fashionistas ;-)
Blackcowboy on 2010-06-14 07:04
nice bag and cool wrapping for a bottle of water. I like it