Angry neighbor bothered by nightly screams of joy
LOL :D I found this funny note at the pinboard of my building of an angry neighbor who is apparently bothered by nightly screams of joy. Translation inside.
Photo credit: Viki Secrets
"These nightly screams of joy must stop, otherwise I will report to property management !!!". Note the three big exclamation marks at the end and no signature whatsoever.
Hi, I live in a big building in Vienna with over forty apartments and during summer time when people leave their windows open, it could occur once in a while to witness nightly screams of pleasure :P
Some days ago I found this funny note at the pinboard at the entrance of the building threatening to report to property management if the screams of joy do not stop :P
Because it is so funny, here the original German text:
Diese nächtlichen Lustschreie müssen aufhören, sonst Meldung bei HV !!!
As far as I have noticed the screams did not happen a lot (noticed maybe once/twice a year) and never bothered me. (After all, I can also be loud sometimes ;P)
Interestingly, the note quietly disappeared after some days with no reaction whatsoever. Still wondering, who wrote the note and who removed it :D
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Winfried Wengenroth on 2015-07-17 09:10
some neighbors are really terrible! I hope, you won't have any problems with your property management! on 2015-08-05 10:43
Haha this is funny! :) I hope you won't be botherd as well? :P