Links á la Mode: As the World Turns

Links á la Mode: As the World Turns

2011-03-25 14:40 | Comments: 0

With so much going on in the world, the Japan earthquake, the upheaval in Libya, the aftermath of John Galliano’s actions and the social phenomenon that is Charlie Sheen, it’s great to see the fashion blogging community talking about the issues and bringing a little light with the fancy of fashion! — StylishThought

Links á la Mode: As the World Turns

Hi, with this introduction it feels really hard to talk about some profane but interesting issues also covered in this Links á la Mode round-up of featured blog posts.

Let me state for a moment that my thoughts are with the people who suffer from the recent catastrophes in Japan, political opression, and injustice.

As the World Turns

Edited by Fajr of

Included in this week’s amazing links: Shopping to Aid Japan Relief, an outfit post for Charlie Sheen, exploring the new neon trend and behind the scenes of how Hermes scarves are made!

Links à la Mode: March 24th

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