Blogger Brunch: Visit The Blog(ger)s

Blogger Brunch: Visit The Blog(ger)s

2011-03-21 14:16 | Comments: 2

Some insights from our regular blogger meetings photographed by h.anna. Visit the geeky Fashion Blog(ger)s!

Photo credit: h.anna

Fashion Blogger Brunch

Hi, I am really happy how organized fashion bloggers are in Vienna, everybody knows each other, and we even regularly meet and discuss blogging, life and other things.

Actually, I was positively surprised when I started this blog, how well organized and professional the fashion blogosphere is. I had some experience running personal, tech and "niche" Web sites before, but did not experience this kind of blogger networking some five or ten years ago.

Is this because almost all fashion blogs in Vienna are written by girls, who tend to be better at networking, or because the number of bloggers have dramatically increased since 2000, making the likelihood of having peer bloggers nearby higher?

Anyway, I would like to working together more with my lovely fellow bloggers. The brunch was great by the way, I was mainly eating wafers with honey *mmh*

Fashion Bloggers & Blogs

vicky | bikinis and passports and monika | kathmography

Vicky from Bikinis and PassportsMonika from Kathmography

kat | frock and roll and michi | cooloutfit and aurelia | wiener zucker

Kat from Frock and RollMichi from Cooloutfit and Aurelia from Wiener Zucker

steffi | le petite pierrot and leni | style kitchen

Steffi from Le Petit PierrotLeni from Style Kitchen

viktor | miss viki and pia | frock and roll

Viktor from Miss VikiPia from Frock and Roll

nina | 1×2 and maria | stylekingdom

Nina from 1x2Maria from Stylekingdom

teresa | colazione a roma and dalia | ghost of fashion

Teresa from Colazione a RomaDalia from Ghost of Fashion

victoria | victorypug and isabella | repeatoire

Victoria from victorypugIsabella from Repeatoire

vanessa | modewurst and Anna | h.anna


Blogger Brunch was organized by h.anna *Thanks*
h.anna: bloggerfrühstück

More Fashion Blogs

Comments ❤ ❤

so fashion bloggers have to be geeky? :))


Not necessarily ;) I wrote about the matter recently in this post:

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